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Autumn Health and Safety Tips for Older Adults

The autumn season has arrived, bringing with it vibrant hues and milder temperatures. The changing of the seasons, for all its splendor, carries with it some risks. It is necessary to make preparations for the upcoming colder weather.

As the weather begins to shift from summer to autumn, more seniors will have injuries from slips and falls and more seniors will get unwell as a result of the change in temperature. For the elderly who live alone or in residential care facilities, autumn preparations take on added significance.

This autumn, we have created a list of older adults' well-being guidelines to protect you and your safe from harm.

Clear outdoor walkways


Leaves will inevitably drop during autumn, making the streets, pavements, and other pedestrian areas hazardous for the elderly.

It's important to pick up the leaves and other trash that's accumulated there to avoid trips and falls. Stairs may be made safer by adding railings and non-skid floors.

When you're an older person who still takes care of your own yard, it's important to remember to warm up with a stretch whenever you need to bend or lift anything up to avoid injuring yourself.

Stock up on warm clothing

warm clothing

Sooner rather than later, the weather will begin to chill off. That's why it's crucial to start stocking up on warm clothing, such as sweaters, headwear, knee pads, footwear, long-sleeved shirts, slacks, jackets, and jumpers suitable for lounging inside the house or hanging out.

Prepare waterproof, slip-resistant shoes

The leaves fall and the rain freezes, making autumn a dangerous time to be outside. To avoid accidents outdoors, it’s a brilliant option to purchase a decent pair of water-proof, slip-resistant outdoor boots.

Even around the home, non-slip soles are a lifesaver. Light-reflecting soles on your shoes may save you from sliding on wet floors, dim rugs, or any number of other potential trip risks as the days get shorter.

Prevent sickness

Vitamin C

Most seniors are likely to become ill when the temperature drops. It is crucial to your wellness during this period that you take measures to maintain a strong immune system.

Vitamin C and iron supplements may help, as can frequent hand washing, particularly after staying in a public area or managing cash, and vaccinations against the flu and/or COVID-19.

To avoid spreading your illness to others, remain at home while you're ill, cover your mouth and nose while you're sneezing or coughing, and wear a mask.

Get plenty of exercise and sleep


To keep your immune system strong and disease-free throughout the fall, it's also crucial to exercise and get enough sleep.

More time spent inside means you should discover activities you love doing in a confined space. You may discover yoga tutorial videos made specifically for older individuals on the internet;

if you get access to a treadmill, you might go for a stroll on the machine; otherwise, you could wrap up and go for a trip outside, despite the cold weather. Aerobic training and other workouts designed for older adults are available at many community centers and assisted living facilities.

Good sleep is one of the many benefits of exercising frequently. Rewards of exercise and sufficient sleep include enhanced coordination and stability, reduced risk of falls, accelerated tissue healing, and the development of robust muscles and sound joints.

Maintain your vehicle

Preventing breakdowns in severe weather is often as simple as having your car serviced. One of the essential things you should do to prepare your car for the autumn is to get an oil change and rotate the tires.

You should also inspect the tire pressure, fill up any empty fluids, and turn on any outside lights. You should also check the air conditioner and heater at this time to ensure they are functioning correctly.

Manage your carpets

The danger of falling is greatly increased since many elderly people slide their feet instead of lifting them up as they move. If you have hardwood floors, you may want to try covering them with carpets that can be attached to the floor.

Throw out any carpets with a pile too high to prevent tripping. Any carpet or rug kept at your home, generally speaking, should need some physical effort to be moved.

Having this throughout the home provides a smoother surface and better traction for you or your loved one.

Safety check

Check that your fireplaces, stove, and heating system are in good operating condition. Check your smoke and CO detectors and change the batteries if necessary.

Low or nonexistent illumination has been linked to an increase in elderly falls, so be sure you change any burned-out bulbs. Get some extra batteries, lamps, and candles just in case.

Don't keep a lighting candle unattended, even if you can't imagine autumn without it. Inappropriate candle usage often increases during the colder months. Put burning candles out of the reach of children and pets, and always extinguish them before leaving for bedtime.

Consider a PERS device

PERS stands for "Personal Emergency Response System" and may also be used as a health monitoring gadget. This device may be hung in a convenient spot in the house, clipped to a belt, or carried as a necklace.

You may easily bring them with you in your handbag or backpack because of their compact size and waterproof construction.

After experiencing a fall or other mishap, all it takes is a touch of a button to notify loved ones that you are okay. A PERS system has the potential to save your life or the lives of those you care about.

Pre-winter heating maintenance

Remove any possible hazards from your house. The first step is to schedule heating maintenance before the winter season arrives, and then set your thermostat accordingly. Chimney cleaning and inspections should be routine for those who use fireplaces.

If using a space heater is unavoidable due to circumstances, always read and observe the manufacturer's instructions, keep the unit at least three feet away from combustible materials like a wall or drapes, and remember to never leave it unattended. The space heater should also never be plugged into an extension cable.

Protect your skin 

Because of home heating systems, the air inside is dry. Drier, more easily damaged, and more easily torn skin is a breeding ground for diseases as we age. One of the most practical strategies to alleviate dry skin is to drink more water.

Interior humidification via the use of a humidifier is an effective approach to restoring humidity levels. Using a moisturizer or gel might also assist prevent your skin from drying out.

Adapt your schedule

It might be less stressful in the cold weather if you order certain things ahead of time and have them delivered. If you are unable to leave your home for whatever reason, don't worry about running out of essentials. Most pharmacies and supermarket shops provide delivery.

Services like leaf cleaning and medication delivery may assist reduce the burden of having to get things done when the weather gets chilly. Further, most major cities have schemes that provide these services at no cost or at much-reduced prices for low-income residents.

By adhering to the aforementioned tips, you and your loved ones could enjoy a lovely and fulfilling autumn season.

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