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Roll to the year of 2025 with our excellent walkers: Buy 1 Get 1 for FREE!
New Year Sale: Buy 1 Get 1 for FREE!



We accept order cancellation BEFORE the product is shipped or produced. We can NOT cancel the order if  the product has been already shipped out. 

You will get a full refund to the orginal card (account) for a cancelled order.

Return (if applicable)

We accept a return for non-customized products within 30 calendar days upon the delivery ON THE CONDITION THAT that the item is in brand new condition with the original package(s).

We do NOT accept a return for any customized products for any reason.

Please understand that a receipt or any other proof of purchase is required.

Please contact customer support at for the return address before sending it back.

Return Shipping Fee

We will take the restocking fee. The customer will not be asked about it.

We will take the return shipping fee for damaged and incorrect products.

The buyer should take the return shipping fee for non-faulty returns. Please consult the carrier you choose for the shipping fee.

Refund (if applicable)

We’ll send you a confirmation email upon the delivery of the returned product(s) and process the inspection at the same time. The refund will be processed once confirming the item details. You’ll receive the refund to the original card (account) within certain working days. 

Late or Missing Refund (if applicable)

Usually, you'll get back the refund in 3 - 5 days (weekends and holidays excluded) after receiving our confirmation. However, please understand that it would take some time before your refund is officially posted. If you do not find the refund, please firstly contact the card company or the bank. You can also email, we will check on our end.

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